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What Is

Find out why doctors refer their patients to the Hypnosis Clinic of Indiana.

Hypnosis is a powerful and relaxing way to help you meet your goals. During hypnosis, the mind is focused, calm, and receptive to the power of suggestion. The process is always pain-free and stress-free at the Hypnosis Clinic of Indiana. Countless scientific studies have demonstrated the efficacy of hypnotherapy for changing a wide range of conditions and behaviors. When other kinds of treatments and medications have failed, hypnosis can work. It can also be integrated with other types of treatments, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.


Hypnotherapy is not a sleep state or an unconscious state in which people are controlled against their wills. Instead, it is a process of focusing the mind and using the power of suggestion to change your behavior in ways you desire. You will be aware and in control of your experience and can stop at any time if you like. Most people feel energized and uplifted by the experience and are able to make dramatic changes in their physical and emotional lives that could not be made with other types of treatment.


Q: Why do many doctors refer their patients to hypnotherapy?
A: Medications are not always effective in treating conditions such as smoking, depression, phobias, and addictions. Even when drugs do have an effect, hypnosis can improve the outcomes. Many doctors refer their patients to the Hypnosis Clinic of Indiana for positive results.

Q: Does the American Medical Association sanction hypnotherapy?
A: Yes. Hypnotherapy received formal recognition as a therapeutic practice in 1958. In the 1800's and early 1900's hypnosis was generally misunderstood because the mind itself was minsunderstood. For example, people with mental illnesses were historically thought to be possessed by the devil, and people practicing hypnosis were associated with magical powers or even "work of the devil". Today hypnosis is widely accepted by the medical community as a positive and powerful therapy that utilizes the natural powers of the mind.


Q: Why does everyone need hypnotherapy?
A: Every day the world inputs messages into our minds--through television, music, radio, billboards. We are barraged with frightening ideas: that we are not safe in our homes, that our bodies aren't attractive enough, that we should be engaging in unhealthy behaviors in order to be accepted. So, whether we like it or not, we have already subjected ourselves to these forces at work on our minds. Hypnosis is a focused effort to counteract these negative messages with positive ones, and then to release the power of the mind to promote health, improve performance, and meet goals.

Q: Will hypnotherapy conflict with my religion?
A: No. Hypnotherapy is not part of the occult or any sect. If you have strong personal or religious beliefs, hypnotherapy will actually support them.


Q: What is the difference betwee "hypnosis" and hypnotherapy?"
A: Hypnosis is the general process of focusing the mind and opening it to suggestion. Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis to bring about positive change in health or behavior.

Q: Is there scientific proof that hypnosis works?
A: Yes. Countless scientific studies have demonstrated efficacy. Hypnosis slows brain waves from cycling at 14-32 times per second down to as few as 4 times per second, which is the ideal speed for learning. It clears away the clutter of our conscious mind, opening a path directly to the unconscious--the part of the mind that operates not by logic but by feelings and instinct. Under ordinary circumstances, psychologists say we must repeat an action or reiterate an idea consistently for at least 30 days before it becomes ingrained in our subconscious. (That is why advertisers bombard us with the same commercials over and over.) But research shows that we can form new habits much more quickly with hypnosis than with any other method AND eliminate the old habits. Feel free to read some of the articles featured on this page and in resources.

Q: What does hypnotherapy involve ?
A: Often people are able to dramatically alter behavior with a single hypnotherapy session or short series of sessions. Other people prefer to listen to self-hypnosis audio tapes/CDs (see sample script). You can even record scripts with your own voice (the most powerful method) and listen repeatedly.

Q: What if I'm being hypnotized and something happens to the therapist in the middle of the session so that she can't continue?
A: You will simply return to normal consciousness in a short time.

Q: I don't think I can be hypnotized. What if it doesn't work?
A: Hypnosis is actually a natural state of mind brought about by the imagination, so everyone who is capable of focusing the imagination is capable of being hypnotized. You will experience benefits from hypnosis unless you have pathologies of the brain that prevent it (as in cases of the feeble-minded, senile, and mentally ill) or you are a child who is not yet mentally developed enough to focus the mind.


Q: How quickly will I experience the benefits of hypnotherapy?
A: You can expect immediate benefits from hypnotherapy. In addition to meeting goals quickly and enjoyably, people experience profound relaxation, enhanced sense of well being, and increased sense of personal power in all aspects of their lives.

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